L’Arc~en~Ciel on Yahoo! Japan live talk – 5th December 2007

This is the translation of the live talk that was broadcast on Yahoo! Japan on December 5th, 2007. It is possible that some lines have been misheard and mistranslated, but such mistakes should be minimal. It is strongly recommended that you watch the video file along with this translation.


Host : Welcome to the show. Now, even though the entire world already knows who you are, can I ask you to introduce yourselves anyway?
hyde : Ok. I’m ken, the guitarist.
Host : Eh what? That’s a surprise.
ken : I’m yukihiro, the drummer.
Host : Hold on a minute…
ken : Hey?
tetsu : Oh, me? …who am I? Umm… Oh yeah! I’m Taro, from GLAY.
Host : *laughs* That was a tricky question! And um… can we go on?
yukihiro : *laughs*
Host : That’s yukihiro-san then. And behind yukihiro-san, we have a christmas tree. Just perfect for the season.

Host : Today, we’ll be in front of an audience, and also being broadcast live from our website. You do a lot of features like this, right?
hyde : Yeah, we like being live.
Host : Oh yes of course. In any case, today, a select number of fans are watching directly, and the rest can view it online. Live, around the world, they’ll be watching from everywhere.
hyde : Yeah…
Host : At the bottom of the screen, they’ll find information to log in, and send questions which we’ll be going through during this talk.

Host : Ordinarily, hyde-san, what do you do when you go online?
hyde : As soon as I get online, I go straight to Yahoo. It’s my homepage. The first thing I do is read the news, but for some reason I go from the bottom-up. I read about six articles.. whatever’s interesting, starting from the bottom. I don’t know why, I just realized that I always start at the bottom. I guess that’s a pointless fact. I only click what’s interesting though.
Host : So you check the news.
hyde : Yes, and when I’m done, I go to right to the porn sites.
Host : I did mention we’re live, right? We can’t edit this.

Host : How about you, tetsu-san?
tetsu : Oh yeah. Me too.
ken : *cracks up*
tetsu : I go to Yahoo first.
Host : By “me too” you didn’t mean the porn sites then.
Crowd (and ken) : *laughs*
tetsu : Oh that? *smiles* I quit those.
Host : I see.

Host : Since today is a live talk for Yahoo, we should mention the special contents that are available right now. ken-san, have you seen the ad for this live talk?
ken : Ah, no, I didn’t see it. You have to have an account to see it, right?
Host : You can see it anyway. You just need to go to the main page, before signing on.
ken : Ah… Uh… I can’t.
Host : *laughs*
ken : I don’t have the net.
Host : Really?!
ken : I don’t! I go online from other places, not home. I do like… auctions?
Host : Oh? Yahoo auctions?
ken : Yep. I go on Yahoo auctions and I look at instruments.
Host : That’s right, a lot of instruments come up.
ken : They do. “Wow, this sort of thing is out there~”
Host : I see, I see.. Ah, but do you actually participate in these auctions?
ken : A lot of these things are celebrity-related, so I don’t participate, actually.

Host : How about yukihiro-san?
yukihiro : I read the news, pretty often. When I get up, I always go online and read it.

Host : When yahoo auctions were mentioned just now, hyde-san voiced his agreement, so let me ask, do you use them too?
hyde : I shop around, yes.
Host : Oh! For what kinds of things?
hyde : Eh… Clothes, shoes, things like that… Oh and Devilman goods.
Host : Eeeh? Devilman?
hyde : Yes, I check to see if anything cool’s come out.
ken : You just type in “Devilman” at yahoo auctions, and lots of stuff comes up.
hyde : Yeah.
ken : Lots of it comes up.
hyde : It does.
Host : So you can tell which computer hyde-san used because the search history says “Devilman”!
Host : You must be thinking “Of course” I guess.

Host (to audience) : Please see the text at the bottom of your screen and send your questions and messages to us here.

Host : Now I expect a lot of the questions to be related to this : your first full album in two and half years, KISS. Here’s one for hyde-san : What is the meaning of the title, KISS?

hyde : Ahh…
Host : How did you come up with it?
hyde : Um, let me see. I thought a short title would be good, something animal maybe. So I was thinking that a short title would be good and thought of a word that illustrates the connections between people. That would be good. So I was thinking and thinking and came with KISS. It’s something that can’t happen without a partner
Host : Indeed, it’s hard to do it on your own.
hyde : So yeah, um, yeah. There’s this *blows a kiss*
hyde : You could do it with a wall, maybe.
Host : A long time ago there was another famous thing called KISS, right?
hyde : Yeah *nods*.
Host : Like when I was in middle school.
hyde : Yeah but no. I was looking for the right word.
Host : I see.
hyde : With that meaning.
Host : So KISS.
hyde : KISS. *nods*
Host : It’s the title.
Host : Now, I’m sure everyone was excited about the title, but was it accepted right away?
hyde : Yeah it was.
Host : Decided just like that?
hyde : *nods*

Host : Now let’s hear about the recording. ken-san?
ken : Yes?
Host : How was this recording?
ken : This one, yeah, it was totally great. We all get along so well. We’re constantly in the studio. While someone’s working, someone else is napping.
Host : *laughs*
ken : Like for instance hyde would be writing lyrics and fall asleep like that… *imitates*
ken : When he got tired out from drumming yukkie would sleep too *demonstrates*
ken : tetsu would fall asleep at his computer, like this *mimes*
tetsu : EH!?
ken : That’s how it was.
Host : So normally everyone is together the whole time?
ken : That’s right.
Host : It sounds a bit like a training camp.
ken and hyde : Yeah.
ken : And since we’re always all there, we can get each other’s opinions on things, just shout out and have a talk, things like that. That’s how it was.

Host : Now, tetsu-san, you came here a little while ago, and at the time it was mentioned that you were in recording.
tetsu : Oh yeah, that’s right.
Host : There’s something I was meaning to ask about. During your recording sessions, I’m not sure why but it seems that ken-san always has his zipper undone.
ken : Was that mentioned here?!
Host : It was mentioned before. Normally if tetsu-san or another member points out “it’s open” you’d go “sorry, sorry” and fix it, right? But with ken-san it’s just like “It’s open, so what?”
hyde : Like “Yeah, I know.”
Host : I guess it’s part of your style?
ken : What style… It’s like saying this button is undone, yeah I know it is.
Host : Ah, the button on your jacket!
ken : Yeah yeah. Like, it’s open. Oh, should I close it?
Host : No you don’t need to close it.
ken : See?
hyde : You think he’s joking? He’s really all “Yeah, it’s undone.” Like he does it on purpose. I am not joking. Seriously.
hyde : Seriously, like it was his jacket.
Host : *laughs*
hyde : He’s like “You don’t need to tell me again”
Host : Like “I know, already”.
hyde : Practically getting angry.
Host : The opposite reaction.
ken : Oh, I wear lots of torn jeans, you know? So leaving the zipper open is okay, right? Sometimes the zipper is even broken, on my jeans.
Host : Haha, so the zipper can’t be done up…
ken : Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Host : yukihiro-san, does that bother you? If you even notice.
yukihiro : Well it’s ken-chan, you know. *laughs* Even if you tell him, he won’t do anything about it.
yukihiro : So for me it’s like… I just look.
Host : Oh?! *laughter* Look at what?
yukihiro : What colour underpants he’s wearing today.
Host : You check?
yukihiro : Yes.
Host : It’s something to look out for.
hyde : He’s got a lot of colours. ken-chan does.
Host : You never get tired of looking.
hyde : Yeah, like “Ooh he’s got this kind too!”
Host : Haha. It does fit his fashion, perfectly. It completes his image.
ken : Yeah, my most unique fashion item is my underwear.
Host : I see.
ken : Yeah.
Host : So you’ll still… at the recordings…
ken : Well when I show up, I *hand motion of unzipping*
Host : *laughs* It’s not just undone, you made sure it was undone!
ken : That’s right!
Host : *laughs* It’s a sticking point.
ken : Yeah.
Host : I can see why it would be on one’s mind. Hearing something like that…

Host : By the way, yukihiro-san, are there any incidents or interesting episodes you’d like to share, from the recording?
yukihiro : Let me see… *laughs* It’s ken-chan… He had different socks on each foot. Hahahaha.
Host : And so…?
yukihiro : *laughing*
Host : Was it that he didn’t care that they were different?
ken : Yeah, pretty much. Well you know! There are jackets where like, this part will be made of a different fabric, right?
Host : Yeah, but…
ken : And, it’s like more scratched up.
Host : You mean… patchwork…?
ken : Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. It’s not like we’re in the bartering age, there are lots of clothes out there.
Host : But those things are expensive.
ken : So, I figure if they put together pairs of socks in different sizes and colours, it would sell.
Host : Eh? I’m pretty sure that exists.
ken : Does it?
hyde : It happens a lot for me to be looking at socks and wonder if they actually match. I’ll think they do and then look again… Do they?
hyde : It’s like, depending on the lighting the fabric looks like it’s a different colour. So I wonder if it’s on purpose…
Host : Today, even the socks don’t match…
hyde : Or maybe it’s an accident.
Host : It’s enough to make you nervous.

Host : Now, of course I like all the songs, but I especially like Spiral so, yukihiro-san?
yukihiro : Yes.
Host : It’s a very spiral-like song, it really feels like it will be a lot of fun at your lives. So yes, I’d like to hear some of your thoughts concerning this song.
yukihiro : Um, yeah, let me see… I think it’d be great if they dance during this song, at the lives. I thought that from the start.

Host : On this album, of course, there are songs composed by each of the members, but they are all sung by hyde-san. When you sing them, hyde-san, does it feel different when it’s a song composed by someone else? Different approach, or anything of the kind.
hyde : Hmmm yeah. It is.
Host : Can you be a bit more precise?
*audience laughs*
Host : Give us something like “When this person writes a song, it’s like this” or “this song turned out like this”.
hyde : This time was pretty special, yeah.
Host : A little more precise, please? *more laughter* Or I’ll just keep asking.
hyde : Ehh…
Host : It is a good album after all.
hyde : Um, ken-chan’s are uh, hard, I guess you could say. The melody line is weird, yeah he uses melody lines that would never occur to me. Yeah, but, I get used to them, and it feel good to sing them. tet-chan’s are… his songs make it hard for me to breathe.
*audience laughs*
hyde : The melody just goes on and on. A lot.
Host : But for the recordings, well, I suppose you can stop and start as you please?
hyde : Yeah, I can start over where I want and figure out when to breathe. Yes.
Host : How about yukihiro-san’s?
hyde : yukkie’s are, um, let’s see… He tends to repeat the same word over and over.
hyde : I noticed that recently. But this time it’s different. I said “Oh this song is completely different!” He went “Yeah, I worked hard.”

Host : Now we have a letter from (a fan) who says “I’m always cheering you on. What kind of feelings did you want to put into this album, KISS?” That’s a hard question, isn’t it?
hyde : We make all the songs separately. I don’t think anyone thought of them as a proper album, actually.
Host : So each song has it’s own feelings associated.
hyde : Yeah.

Host : How about the song order? How did you decide it, this time?
hyde : Um yeah, like always. It’s what we always do, right? So this time too, we finished recording all the songs, then talked about it.
Host : So it’s after you finished them all.
hyde : Yeah, yeah. This time we finished in the middle of the night… reco, no the mixdown, right? When we finished that, it was twelve or one in the morning, worked straight through until morning, fixing it.
ken : Make an order, make another order, make another…
Host : You listened to it and changed the order a bit?
hyde : Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And somehow everyone’s worries got ironed out and we had a track order come out of it. We were tired, too.
ken : And then we still had to handle the space between the songs.
Host : You mean deciding how many seconds of silence go in between?
ken : Right. We all had to listen closely and think about it, about that two, three second gap. By the third time around we were like “It should be a little longer” or something.
hyde : Yeah, yeah.
ken : When it comes to that, tetsu can’t shut up.
Host : tetsu-san, you’re particular about that?
tetsu : Yeah, um, well it’s not just me.
Host : You have to make it just right, so it feels good?
tetsu : It changes everything, the whole atmosphere. The gaps matter.
Host : Okay.

Host : Now to change the subject slightly, but still talking about KISS. You did a collaboration with 109-Men’s in Shibuya, which appeared, BOOM, out of nowhere. It’s quite shocking. A true KISS. I’d like to ask about the photo shoot. First of all, hyde-san and tetsu-san are… well, kissing. But tetsu-san’s lips area like this *audience laughter* It’s as if he’s thinking “So this is how my first kiss is going to be~” slightly upset or something. But hyde-san is closing in, I’d say. Was it embarrassing to take those pictures? How about that photo shoot, when they asked you to kiss?

hyde : Oh well, you know, I don’t really remember.
*audience laughter*
Host : Was it emotional?
hyde : You could say that. I don’t remember what happened.
Host : Ah, but it was something. So how about tetsu-san?
tetsu : I made sure to brush my teeth.
Host : Because you were being kissed right.
hyde : I don’t remember.

Host : Let’s move on to ken-san and yukihiro-san. But, you’re not actually kissing in the picture.
ken : Cause they’re used to it.
Host : Huh?
ken : It’s not a big deal to have me and yukkie kiss. So it doesn’t matter if we do or not.
Host : No, no, *laughs* I wouldn’t say that.
ken : The photo shoot was, well once we got there it was like we had to kiss. There was some discussion.
*much laughter*

Host : How about yukihiro-san? How as that photo shoot?
yukihiro: I was waiting for it.
Host : Is it just me or are you reacting completely differently from these three? Waiting for it…
hyde : During the recordings he’s there drumming normally and then I kiss him.
Host : Then was it over in the blink of an eye? Or did they have you do it over and over?
ken : It was done in just a few takes but I was up for more.
*heavy laughter*
Host : The staff is cleaning up but you still want to pose?
ken : *nods and laughs*

Host : Once the big one was made, did you get to see it?
hyde : I saw it. Sort of like, on the way home I thought I might as well go look.
Host : Wait, alone?
hyde : Yeah, I was alone. On my way home, I had a peek, around 2 am. I drove up to the building and stopped, and then ken-chan’s car pulled up right behind me.
ken : Yeah, I thought I’d seen that car before.
Host : “Could it be?”
hyde : Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I got out, and there was a construction guy there, but we didn’t care about him and got out to look. We pretended to kiss in front of the sign.
Host : Did you take pictures?
hyde and ken : Yes we did.
Host : Ahhh… So it would have been better to pair the two of you.
hyde : Yeah, yeah.
*much laughing*
Host : I, oh yeah, tetsu-san did you go look?
tetsu : I, well I don’t really care but, yeah, I went to look at it. I had to go to Shibuya anyway, and then I remembered. I stopped my car in front and looked, but it was the middle of the day yet no one spotted me.
Host : You didn’t take a picture?
tetsu : I did. From inside my car.
Host : How about yukihiro-san?
yukihiro : Yes, I went to see it too. At night. Alone. I went.
yukihiro : I wanted to see what ken-chan’s kiss looks like.
Host : How is it when it’s that big?
yukihiro : I never thought I’d be seen kissing in front of so many people.

Host : I’m sure several people in the audience saw it too, and we’re getting many messages from fans who all went to look at it. Here’s a message from one Peach-san, from China. “Hi, I’m a fan from China. Your fans aren’t all in Japan, you have Chinese fans too. I am watching this from China. Please take care of yourselves, everyone.”
hyde : Ah.
Host : Here’s another message : “hyde-san, your hairstyle is very cute. Which do you prefer having, long hair or short?”
hyde : Right now long is better.
Host : Ah. Is it the mode you’re in right now?
hyde : Right now, when I get my hair and makeup done, I tell them to make it like Hideki.
Host : With rollers?
hyde : Yeah, with rollers.
Host : Just like that idol from a little while ago, all curly.
hyde : Yeah, that’s right.
Host : And now, pretty soon you’ll be heading into the tour. Could it be related? Is that why you got this hairstyle for now?
hyde : Well I don’t really know.
Host : It’s just for now?
hyde : For the time being.
Host : A little Hideki-boom, that you might keep. Maybe.

Host : Another message : “Please describe your level of enthusiasm for the upcoming lives.” Of course it is about the nationwide arena tour that starts on December 22nd : Tour 2007-2008 Theatre of KISS. About this tour, well I’m sure there are many things you can’t talk about yet, but tetsu-san, what kind of tour is it going to be?
tetsu : Yes! Ehh… Oh yeah. Um, hmm… it’s awesome.
*audience laughs*
Host : It looks awesome.
tetsu : Yes.
Host : Okay. How about you, ken-san?
ken : Um well we’re already holding rehearsals, so… It’s good. Our performance is.
Host : You’re performing well.
ken : Like… this is just great, you know. *laughs* Today was fun, yeah! *laughs*
Host : Just like a music club. Ah, how fun.
ken : And we’ve started working on the stage sets, so yeah, you should look forward to seeing it. Yes.
Host : Just now when you mentioned how fun it is, I think I saw yukihiro-san laugh.
yukihiro : Yes.
Host : Is it fun to rehearse?
yukihiro : Yes, it’s fun.
Host : I already asked what kind of tour it will be, but I’d like to hear yukihiro-san’s version too?
yukihiro : Hmmm, let me think… Well… it’s spine-tingling and heart-pounding and nerve-wracking, but I can do it all.
Host : Lives that encompass all those feelings.
yukihiro : Yes.
Host : How about hyde-san?
hyde : Hmm, yeah, it’s gonna be awesome, these next lives.
*audience laughs*
hyde : We actually didn’t have enough money to do everything we wanted. It’s really expensive.
Host : Ah so you wanted…
*audience laughs*
Host : So it’s below your expectations?
hyde : “We don’t have the budget for that, hyde-san!”
Host : Then it’s a step down from what you imagined? There were too many things you wanted to do, so it can’t all happen?
hyde : Like, you really want to do this? *laughs* As the days go by… *laughs* It’s pretty awesome.
Host : I’m sure it is. So everyone has ideas about what he’d like to do at the next live, like “let’s try this” or “I wanna do that” and you throw it all together and some of it is possible but some is just a little… unfeasible? So it seems that some things need to be put off, perhaps?
hyde : Maybe so. Well… we don’t talk about the next ones.
Host: Is that so? But in any case, this tour will be awesome.
hyde : Yes, it’s awesome.
Host : And expensive.
hyde : Very expensive.
Host : *laughs*

Host : Next message : “About this tour, actually this year’s tour, I was able to go see it. It was the first live I’ve ever been to. Having been a fan of L’Arc for 11 years, it was quite touching. That leads to my question : What was the first live you ever went to see?”
hyde : Ah. Mine was Wada Akiko-san.
crowd : Ehh?
Host : Was that… with your parents?
hyde : Yeah, with my parents. Like “Wow, it’s so biig.”
hyde : Somebody else said that.
Host : Ahaha. Okay, now ken-san?
ken : Mine was a heavy metal band, named ACCEPT.
Host: Ah, and how old were you at the time?
ken : Um, teenage… First year of high school, how old is that?
Host : So, 15 or 16?
ken : Yeah.
Host : You bought the tickets with your allowance?
ken : Yeah.
Host : And tetsu-san?
tetsu : Mine was Chita.
Host : Eh? Chita.
tetsu : Suimenji Kyoko-san.
Host : 365 step March? (Note : This is a hit song by that artist)
tetsu : Yes.
Host : And that was… with your parents?
tetsu : Yeah, it was. They took me.
Host : Do you remember anything about it?
tetsu : There was lots of dry ice, it was pretty cool.
Host : I remember she had a specially patterned kimono and would rise up onto the stage, something like that.
Host : Now yukihiro-san?
yukihiro : Mine was a heavy metal band too, it was Metallica.
Host : Metallica? Wow. So you were in high school?
yukihiro : That’s right.
Host : I see. Okay.

Host : All right. Now I’ll read the next message : “Dear L’Arc members, good luck on your tour. When you go on tour, I’m sure you get to sample some delicious food from each area. Do you look forward to it? I especially want to hear yukkie-san’s answer.”
hyde : yukkie’s famous for not eating so…
Host : Oh, is that so?!
hyde : I think they mean “Please eat”.
Host : They’re saying “Please try to eat it, yukkie-san”
hyde : Yeah.
yukihiro : Yeah yeah yeah.
Host : Your fans are worried so eat properly!
Host : You don’t eat!?
hyde : He doesn’t.
Host : That’s pretty worrisome, please say something. Tell us you eat.
hyde : Of course it’s worrisome.
Host : Is it really, ken-san?
ken : He really doesn’t eat much, does he. He keeps getting smaller.
Host : So, is he doing muscle training or something like that?
ken : I don’t think it’s training, I think it’s just his drumming. Muscles, right? Drumming makes you really sore, especially like here.
Host : Eh?
ken : Like this… What’s it called… It’s a muscle I’ve never seen before. It’s like, wow there’s a muscle there.
Host : He’s buff all over, then.
ken : Yeah, totally.
Host : But it’s not true that you don’t eat, right yukihiro-san?
yukihiro : Yes.
hyde : He means “Yes, I don’t eat.”
Host : No way. Really?
hyde : He doesn’t.
Host : Does he eat or doesn’t he? tetsu-san?
tetsu : Hm?
Host : Which is it?
tetsu : He doesn’t eat.
Host : He doesn’t.
tetsu : He doesn’t.
Host : But there really are delicacies in each part of the country, right?
hyde : Yeah. He’s not interested. “It doesn’t matter” he says.
Host : But all of you go out to eat together, right?
hyde : Yes of course. We tell him “yukkie, you gotta eat!” and give him a plate.
Host : You get a plate?
ken : In places that don’t have them.
hyde : Cause we’re celebs.
Host : And so the entire band is concerned for the drummer. yukkie-san, please eat.
yukihiro : I love rice. *laughs*
Host : That’s good. I’m glad you like something.
yukihiro : Yes.

Host : Next message : “I couldn’t get a ticket for the live! But I wanna go!” That’s the whole message. There are alot of messages like this, as well as a lot of “good luck on the tour” messages. And now our thirty minutes are up! We were booked for thirty minutes. But let’s finish up. The room was limited to only these guests you can see now, but many people are also watching from their computers. I don’t think they’ve seen all of you live over the internet before. Could we get a last message from each of you, for the fans like that person from China, who are watching from their computers? Who wants to start?
hyde : You decide.
Host : Okay, let’s have the one by the tree, yukihiro-san, you start. Then we’ll move this way. Okay, look into that camera.
yukihiro : Me first?
Host : Yes. If you could, yukihiro-san.
yukihiro : Um *looks at the tree* I have the tree behind me, so um, enjoy your christmas.
Host : Thanks. tetsu-san?
tetsu : Okay. Eehh… Seems like the flu is going around, so take care.
Host : Oh, good point. But how about something concerning the album?
*audience laughs*
Host : If you don’t mind. Or maybe an invitation to the tour?
tetsu : I’m leaving that to the other two.
Host : Of course. Let’s move on. ken-san?
ken : It’s the season for delicious nabe.
ken : I wonder what kind of nabe you all like. Thank you very much.
Host : Wait a second! Shouldn’t you at least tell them what kind you like?
ken : Ah… I love shabu-shabu.
Host : I see… I’m sorry, hyde-san?
hyde : Yes?
Host : These three gave winter related messages, so… could you say something connected to the live or the album, please?
hyde : Okay. Actually, I almost caught the flu. Figures it would be just before the live. The live is really… entertainment. I think it will be. Yes. I’m looking forward to it too. What was I saying?
Host : The live is entertainment? And you almost had the flu.
hyde : Oh that’s right, I love the internet. You can’t tell, but normally when you’re online, I might be looking at the same site as you.
Host : Oh I see. That’s certainly something to think about and be happy.
hyde : It’s always possible.
*audience laughs*
hyde : Yeah. I look people up a lot, so I might have seen your site.
Host : People’s homepages?
hyde : Fan sites, for example.
Host : Eh, you actually look at them?
hyde : Well of course. And I look up the sites of people I know, things like that.
Host : So you look at sites that say “I LOVE L’ARC” even though the people who make those sites must not think the members are looking?
hyde : Guess not. But sometimes they tell me about their sites.
Host : Ah I see. But er, you didn’t say anything about the album…
*audience laughs*
Host : So please, yukihiro-san?
yukihiro : Me?
Host : Yes.
yukihiro : The album, yeah, umm…. We really had a great time recording it, I really think we managed to put together something awesome, so I’m sure the people who listen to it … *sigh*
yukihiro : Um, I’m sure it will make them happy. Umm… or maybe they’ll get emotional and cry. Umm… they can clear their minds with the bouncy songs… umm… imagine scenes in each song… listen for the kind of sound they like… just about anything really. *laughs* So yes, enjoy.
Host : That was wonderful. tetsu-san do you have anything to add?
tetsu : About the album?
Host : Yes.
tetsu : Ehh… let’s see. I think it’s perfectly suited to the coming season. So please… if you could, give it a listen.
Host : ken-san?
ken : Oh yeah, I just remembered there’s a christmas song on it. I think it’ll be on heavy rotation from now on.
Host : I listened to it too. It’s a very happy feeling, to have that christmas song at the end.
ken : Yes, it is.
hyde : It’s the happy ending.
Host : It’s like watching a movie where the main characters share a final kiss and then the happy music cues up, it makes the whole album feel like a movie. With Hurry Xmas at the end like that. So hyde-san can you give us one last comment?
hyde : Okay. Um…..
Host : This will be the end.
hyde : The end?
Host : After this we’ll show the Hurry Xmas video a little.
hyde : Oh really. Um, it’s been two and something years, so yeah. We had to get something good out of it, we all worked on the arrangements to make it L’Arc~en~Ciel like, but at the same time there’s something new about it. It’s a lively album, so please, listen to it.
Host : So, thank you very much for taking the time to come here today, and I hope we’ll have a chance to invite you again. This has been L’Arc~en~Ciel.

Transcribed and translated by Natalie Arnold

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